Friday, August 23, 2013

Mocha Milk Shake

Y'all know I am a self-proclaimed coffee addict. I always make a huge pot in the morning and there is usually a little left when I leave the house for work. So I was trying to think of a way to use the cup or so that is always left when I get home after a long day. I finally found the perfect way to use cold left over coffee! This is the perfect after work treat at the end of a hard day. So here is the super easy recipe for a delicious shake!

Mocha Milk Shake:
3/4 cup of cold coffee
3 or 4 large scoops of vanilla ice cream
2 tbsp chocolate syrup
1 tbsp caramel flavored coffee syrup

Add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth. Garnish with whipped cream and mini-chocolate chips! Makes 1 large shake or 2 small ones. 

-Ada Grey 

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