Friday, August 16, 2013

Lemon Rosemary Chicken

One of the most important tools in my kitchen is my window herb garden. On my windowsill I planted rosemary, thyme, basil and parsley and I LOVE using them in my cooking. There's something about using super fresh ingredients that you grow yourself that just makes food taste better, and a windowsill herb garden is soooo simple and inexpensive that it is simply criminal not to have one. Just get some small terracotta pots, plant the herbs you use the most and sit them in your window. The best part is that since they are in your kitchen window, you'll see them a lot and remember to water them and they will get plenty of sunlight but you don't have to worry about the outside temperature killing them. So here is one of my favorite recipes to use for a super quick but delicious meal that will use some of your fresh rosemary. (You could also add thyme to this and it would be delish!)

Lemon rosemary chicken:
3 or 4 chicken breasts (I use thin sliced)
1 medium onion, sliced (I use Vidalia but any onion works)
2 lemons, sliced
2 tbsp fresh rosemary, pulled from the stem and chopped fine
a few tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

Spray a 9x11 pan with cooking spray and place chicken breasts in pan and salt and pepper both sides. Drizzle a tbsp or so of olive oil over the chicken and sprinkle about half of the rosemary over the top. Place onions and lemon slices around the chicken breasts. Cook uncovered at 375 degrees for about 45 minutes or until chicken is fully cooked through. Serve with sauteed green beans or fresh asparagus!  

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