Our Story

Hello darlings! I'm Ada Grey. I want y'all to be able to get to know me as much as possible.  I am proud to be the great state of Georgia- and quite frankly I don't ever hope to live anywhere else. I am a writer, part time gardener, movie buff, and cook. I am young, maybe a little naive and fresh out of college and trying to make a life for myself with as much grace and humor as I can muster. I'm still figuring it all out so you'll be seeing and hearing my up's and down's, but I know that through God's grace and holding on to good Southern values I can grow into the woman God wants me to be.
 Let me give y'all a picture of who I am. Growing up, while my friends were reading Harry Potter, I was engrossed with Gone With the Wind. While most girls laid in tanning beds, I wore the biggest, floppiest hat (before it was cool) to shield myself from the sun's blistering rays. When I need to clear my head or think a problem through, I bake- so get ready for lots of recipes! My favorite thing to do after a hard day is to make a hot cup of tea, climb into my fluffy bed and watch old movies. I am an unapologetic coffee addict. And I have no qualms saying I think the world needs a few more Scarlett O'Haras and far fewer Kardashians. I fear that the world has a enough women but we are in a dire need of more ladies. I know the Lord made me a little different but I believe we are called to be different My hope is that through this blog, young women can celebrate the "old-fashioned" notion of being ladies with class and style. Enjoy!

"God is within her. She will not fail."- Psalm 46:5

- Ada Grey Beaumont

Hey Y'all,  I'm Caroline. I am from the fabulous state of Georgia, but I've lived here and there. Somehow, like a lost coon hound, I always find my way back home again after my adventures are through.  I'm a southern girl, with good ole' southern values like my family taught me!  I'm making my way through my late twenties and learning a lot about life, mostly through trial and error. It is my hope that I can share with each of you a bit of humor though my experiences and you can relate to my crazy life!

      Like Reese Witherspoon, I adore ALMOST anything monogrammed. I appreciate a good silver pattern, fine china, dogs, decorating, antiques, candles, fine perfumes, writing, and reading a good southern book. I detest the smell of a cigarette, but enjoy the smell of a sweet cigar; It somehow reminds me of my childhood.  I have a fondness for a clean well decorated home, though somehow it never lasts long. The small piece of me that is obsessive compulsive thinks that if I can get my house just right, all will be good with the world. If only that were true! I enjoy cooking, like any good southern girl does, but I enjoy it most when I can see someone I love devouring a family recipe I prepared. I love college football, and graduated from a great University in The South. I am not easily impressed. As a lady, it is not what you have or who you know, it is how you act that counts. I am a Christian, doing my best to try every day to find and fulfill God's purpose for my life.  It is always a quest, but having salvation as a reward makes it worth it! I think I have found my passion in creating a happy home, not only in decor, but in the relationships within a home.  

"Many were the plans in her heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that will prevail." Proverbs 19:21

- Caroline Grace McKenlie

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