Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Ada Grey's Essentials for a Night In

Whether you are have a girls night or you're just taking some me time after a long day, here is my idea of a perfect night in.

1. Downton Abbey
If you can't be a Southern lady, the next best thing is British nobility. When I grow up, I want to be Lady Mary. She's so sassy, but there is something about her that is sincere. I think she and I are kindred spirits. And an added bonus is that the Dowager Countess is Caro from Ya-Ya! Is there anything better?

2. An Essie manicure
In the film version of Gone With the Wind Scarlett's younger sister said "you can always tell a lady by her hands." Well it just so happens that Caroline's and my great-grandmother, a true lady if there ever was one, said the same thing. I personally like delicate, subtle colors like this one- "Ballet Slippers" by Essie. (Also it lasts about 5 days without chipping).

 3. A good facial
You know in those hokey brat pack 80's movies where girls always had sleep overs? Well they all at some point in the movie put on a green mud facial. So to keep up tradition, I've been known to do the same. I personally love this one.

4. CHOCOLATE, dark chocolate
KitKats are my favorite candy bar of all time and now that they have made them in dark chocolate, I'm in hog heaven.

4. A little jolt
As y'all know, I'm a self proclaimed coffee addict. And dark chocolate is the best chocolate. I can eat these bad boys like peanuts. Soooo yummy.
*Disclaimer: At any given moment, I'm as buzzed on caffeine as the Energizer bunny so these don't bother me, even at midnight. But, if you are sensitive to caffeine, these may not be the best idea late at night.

5. A good cup of tea
Next to coffee, hot tea is my second addiction. Twining's Lady Grey (GREAT NAME!!) is my favorite, but all of these favors are delicious! There is something so timeless about a good cup of tea. Brew up a hot cup and sip along with the characters of Downton.

I hope this inspires you darlings to sit back, relax and enjoy an evening to yourself after a long day.

-Ada Grey

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