Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tomato Artichoke Linguine- The One Pot Supper

If y'all are like me you have to eat on the go... breakfast happens in the car, lunch happens at the copier or at my desk. So I also have to cook easy meals for supper during the week. But no one wants to eat Lean Cuisines every day just because they are too stressed to cook. I love pasta... A LOT. But a quick pasta recipe can be tricky. And quite honestly a pound of ground beef and a can of Prego just doesn't do it for me when I'm in a pasta mood.  So this recipe will solve that problem annndddd it uses fresh herbs from your herb gardens! You literally just throw all of the ingredients in a pot and cook it. You could easily add some mushrooms or leftover chopped chicken to jazz this up! And as an added bonus, this makes fantastic leftovers! So easy and yummy!

Tomato Artichoke Linguine:
1 14.5 oz can of diced tomatoes (do not drain)
2 14.5 cans of chicken broth
1 6.5oz can of marinated quartered artichoke hearts (do not drain)
1 medium tomato, chopped
1 medium onion, cut into small slices
2- 3 tbsp fresh chopped basil (you can use dried herbs but reduce the amount)
2 tbsp fresh chopped oregano
2 cloves of garlic, chopped (or if you are like me and use the chopped garlic in the jar, just use a teaspoon or so)
1/2 lb dried linguine 

Add all ingredients to a large pot. Cover and bring to a roaring boil. Reduce heat and let simmer uncovered for about 10 minutes. Be sure to stir occasionally so the pasta won't stick to the bottom. Turn off heat and let sit covered for about 10 minutes. Top with some cheese if you like and enjoy with some cheesy bread or a salad! 

-Ada Grey

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